What We Believe


What We Believe About Baptisms

Water baptism, as instituted in the New Testament, is how a believer is united with Christ (Galatians 3:27,28). It is more than a ritual or ceremony. In the New Testament, it is never mentioned as an act alone. Instead, its meaning always includes the entire redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 8:12; 2:38-41).

The word Baptize means to “dip or immerse.” To be water-baptized, you must be completely submerged or immersed in water.

We believe Water Baptism is not Optional. Jesus commanded it for all believers (Mark 16:16)

Baptism in the Holy Spirit means a complete immersion of the believer in the Holy Spirit. This baptism provides us an entrance into the realm of spiritual power and enduement from on high (Acts 1:8, Luke 24:49) Jesus said these signs would follow those who believe: Cast out demons, speak with new tongues, take up serpents; if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover (Mark 16:17,18)

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