Our People

Mizpah Glenny

Co-founder and Director, Arrows Christian Academy
I love pouring into youth and the next generation!!

About Mizpah Glenny

Mizpah is Co-founder and Director of Arrows Christian Academy. Her childhood aspirations were to be a medical missionary in a foreign nation, but this all stemmed from a deep love for family, community, and helping others connect with God. This was the fuel to start Arrows Christian Academy alongside her husband, Theron. 

She and her husband have poured into youth and the next generation for over 17 years, and together they have four amazing children: Elah, Sarah, Hadasah, and Ethan.

Mizpah also loves to lead worship, dive into creativity in connection with God, and pursue connection with people. Fun for Mizpah is quality time with people she loves, especially when it involves being outside, taking walks, playing volleyball, or enjoying good food around the table.

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