Do You Live From a Place of Lack?
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not lack.
Poverty is ultimately a belief system, or worldview, that has a mindset of lack in all things, not just money or material possessions. When we live with the spirit of poverty, our identity and self-image control how we think, see circumstances, judge reality, and draw conclusions about ourselves and others.
This poverty spirit may compel us to overachieve, but it can also cause underachievement. It will keep us from dreaming dreams, taking risks, and releasing others. Because we are afraid of losing what we have, we bury our treasures. When we live under this demonic spirit, we may have difficulty giving away love, compliments, friendships, and money.
Joshua and Caleb came from am opposite place – a place of abundance. They weren’t afraid of the giants. A spirit of poverty drove the children of Israel back to the wilderness because they looked a themselves and their lack rather than God and His power! David took on Goliath because he operated by faith and not fear. Joshua and Caleb looked at the land and said, if God said that it was ours, then we can do this. That was not an earthly mindset but a heavenly one.
So how can you identify if you are living under this spirit?
Evaluate your feelings and thought patterns:
- People under this spirit
- Never feel strong enough to survive
- Don’t feel smart enough to succeed
- Don’t Feel Fortunate enough to catch a break
- Don’t Feel Loved enough to be secure
- Don’t Feel Nice enough to have friends
- Don’t Feel Prosperous enough to get ahead
- Don’t Feel Wealthy enough to give to others
Identifying this is critical to breaking it. And this spirit doesn’t just impact individuals; it can invade families, churches, cities, and entire nations, which often happens in stages.
So what do those stages look like?
The spirit of poverty starts by infiltrating our thoughts, causing discontentment. Once those thoughts settle in, they take root; we begin to believe them. We no longer think or remember the blessings and abundance of God in our lives. Our beliefs start to reflect the idea that God isn’t enough for us and WE must accomplish, get, or attain it on our own. Then our actions reflect this, and those around us can see and feel it. They can become victims of this because our actions reflect our feelings.
Eventually, there can be a total adoption of the spirit of poverty. This impacts everything and everyone in your life.
At this point, you are more than likely disconnected from God.
Remember, contentment in God breaks this spirit of poverty. When the Lord is my shepherd, I am content exactly where I am in Him.
Your expectations should always be high regardless of circumstances. Paul teaches us that he learned to be content in abundance and content with little (Phil 4:12-13).
There are people you can never please or satisfy because their place of lack is really their need for connection with the Father.
Only God can fill that place.
John 15:5, reminds us of that,
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit because, without me, you can do nothing.”
Don’t die in the wilderness, forgetting who God is. You can’t take the spirit of poverty into the promised land. You must go into this new season trusting God to take care of you.
If you recognize yourself in these descriptions, ask the Lord to help you break it. Come into agreement with someone at church and pray that the spirit of poverty is broken.
Tell God you will trust Him and go where He tells you to go.
Release it ALL to Him.
Because in a moment, He can elevate you and place you where He wants you to be.