You are Called to Sonship!
Monday was 10/10, and John 10:10 declares that Jesus came to give us life and life abundantly. The word for abundantly in Greek means superabundance, extravagant, more than enough, overflow…
Those led by the Spirit are called sons of God (Romans 8:14). But, when we are part of the world (conformed to it), the Spirit of God is not within us. We must be attuned to God’s voice and led by the Spirit. That means that we are not led by our flesh or the patterns of this world but rather by the Word of God and the ways of God.
So my charge for you is this – be Led by the Spirit! You want the things of the Spirit here on earth. Ask for them. Don’t be offended by the gift of tongues. It IS supernatural – just like healing and deliverance. But it is real and for all of us.
The gifts of the Spirit (words of knowledge, increased faith, healings, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, tongues, and interpretation of tongues) differ from the fruits of the Spirit. The fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) are things that manifest when the Spirit of God dwells within us and leads us.
But the gifts of the Spirit are for today. You can try to understand them with your mind, but they are spiritual, and the only way you can truly understand them is by the revealing of the Holy Spirit. He gives you vision, insight, and understanding. Listen to His voice. God will reveal Himself, His ways, His Truth, and His Heart to you as you meditate on the Word of God, pursue communion with Him in prayer, and learn from those He’s set in leadership as shepherds in the church. But understand, there are wolves who portray themselves as shepherds and sheep who are counterfeits who seek to devour the vulnerable, weak, and innocent. One of the gifts is the discernment of spirits, and those who are mature in the faith must ask for this gift in order to protect and care for the true sheep (read John 10:1-18).
But how do you get there?
Pray without ceasing and be in communion with Him. That means walking and talking with Him all day long. You may not be on your knees, but you ARE praying in the Spirit (Eph 6:18). If you don’t want God involved in ( or praying during) a part of your life, then it’s probably NOT of Him. He wants to be involved in everyone aspect of your life.
The prodigal son wanted his inheritance before he was ready. The father knew it wasn’t time to pass it on, but he allowed it to happen. In life, we often demand inheritance before we are ready. But our Father knows when the timing is right – He knows when we are ready. Are you willing to wait upon Him?
Saul and Barnabas were called out at the right time. Only then did people lay hands on them and pray for them, and God released them. God called them out, and the men around them came into agreement with God. God also spoke when it was time for Elijah to call Elisha forth.
That’s the correct order.
You don’t want to run ahead of God and demand it. That’s when the flesh messes up and goes at the wrong time. And it’s those times when it doesn’t work out.
You are a child of God before you are called to action. As an heir, you are royalty and should see yourself that way.
So let’s revisit the Gifts of the Spirit. Remember, they are GIFTS. You can’t operate (or manipulate) them naturally. You often can’t even understand them in the natural mind. We are in a season of advancement and expansion, led by the Spirit of God. It is amazing and beautiful when it is done right.
Arise and shine! Be bold!