
It is Costly to Follow Christ.

I have been thinking about the cost of following Christ. It IS costly. When I was younger, I remember wanting what others had (in their faith, missions, and callings). But I didn’t realize how the anointing of God was costly. And how it’s His choice and anointing.

Consider the story of Elijah and Elisha.

Elijah heard from the Lord on the mountain, meeting with God. God didn’t show up in fire, but came to him in a still, small voice. He spoke to Elijah – telling him to find three individuals. One of them was Elisha.

Suppose someone was to ask me for my anointing today. It’s not my anointing or mine to give. It’s God anointing me for something specific. 

Elijah was before the Lord when he was told to find Elisha. And it was costly for Elisha to follow Elijah. Elijah would push Elisha away to see how he would respond and act. But Elisha continued to push in and apprehend what God had for him. 

Many people come to that threshold and then retreat. They walk away because it’s costly. It costs you everything: friendships, things of the world, engagement in the world. To go where God calls you, you have to count the cost. 

You must deny yourself and die daily. 

We need to remember what the cost is. But it’s absolutely and positively worth it. But you must go through the valley of the shadow of death in order to get there. 

Understand that there is a cost to it. For some, it will cost your family. For some, it will cost you friends. 

Some people you love will continue to choose the world. To indeed follow God, you have to choose the Kingdom of Heaven. You must say, “Today, I decide to follow Christ.”

Jesus was tested too. 

Yes, there is a price to follow Christ fully. But to truly walk in His anointing is even more so. Your old lifestyle is not an option. So often, we keep one foot in the old lifestyle. We can’t do that if we are carrying out an anointing. God wants us to give Him everything. 

It is worth it. Choose Him in everything you do. 

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