
Don’t Let Sin In!!

If you do not choose well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you. But you SHOULD rule over sin and its desires (Gen. 4:7). The roaring lion seeks to devour you – when you are wounded, on the outskirts, tired, and doing the wrong things. 

I dove into Genesis 3 this past Sunday, and I want to remind you again that the enemy’s plan is confusion. Distractors came to confuse Nehemiah. And in today’s world, they will try to separate you and take your attention off the Lord’s assignment for your life. 

Samson was in the wrong place and gave into his flesh when he chose Delila, and David was also in the wrong place and his carnal desires overtook him for Bathsheba. Their eyes were on the wrong things and they both were in the wrong place and out of alignment. Your adversary, the devil, is like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8). He seeks to separate you from the pack, your family, and your people. When you are isolated, you are easier to pick off. You are stronger when you stand together.

The twisting and swirling are out there. It happens everywhere – marriages, families, workplace, and even churches. That’s why prayer and intercession are so essential daily.

In Genesis Chapter 4, Cain killed Abel because he was jealous of God’s favor (for Abel), and Abel was favored because he gave God his first fruits, the very best of all that he had. Cain, potentially gave of what he had, most likely not the best of the crops but leftovers.

If you do not choose well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you. But you SHOULD rule over sin and its desires (Gen. 4:7). The roaring lion seeks to devour you – when you are wounded, on the outskirts, tired, and doing the wrong things. 

When you sin, ask for forgiveness quickly. Then do well (by following God).

If you do well, you will rule over sin.

How do you rule over sin? 

That’s a great question. 

Temptations – do you rule over them? Pride, arrogance, insecurity, lust, food – do these things rule you or have your conquered them? 

Take the time to identify what sits at your door trying to get in. What is trying to tempt you and separate you? 

Identify it, and don’t let it in. Stand against the schemes of the devil as Paul says in Ephesians 6. Put on the Armor of God today, lean into the Lord, and remember not to isolate yourself. We desperately need each other. Who has refrigerator rights in your life?

I pray we continue to recognize who and what the enemy tries to work in our lives and remember that in and through Christ, you can do all things because He strengthens you.

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