Is It a Setup or a Setback?
Setbacks? Nah, in Christ, they are always setups!!
This week the debate was concerning. The candidates debated significant issues that address the state of those running for senate in PA and the state of the world.
I was blessed to participate in Harrisburg at an event to pray for these things and was reminded about the significance of roles.
Roles are interesting. What role are we playing today? Are we trailblazers, pioneers, or settlers? When you think about the difference between pioneers and settlers, you can see how easily we can disagree. The third type of people are trailblazers; they are the people that go and find new opportunities. Their lives are filled with risk. Their credibility and lives can be at risk. Not many people want to be trailblazers.
Pioneers come behind trailblazers and lead the growth; settlers follow behind and bring settlement and development to an area, organization or cause.
We need all three. All three play a role in building something great. In all of this, not one is better than the other.
First Corinthians Chapter 12:4-6, we learn that we all play a part.
“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone, it is the same God at work.”
We have to honor one another.
As I sat in Harrisburg Wednesday, I recognized how easy it is to wound each other because we don’t understand our roles. We see it as a setback when someone leaves or moves on to another stage, especially when we are settlers. Understanding this can set people free. Setbacks can be a setup for something more.
It is important not to hold back our children in life, as well as others in our churches, businesses, and even friendships.
God wants us to operate with our hands wide open…not holding on to those around us with control from fears or manipulation. When we hold on to what we shouldn’t, we tighten up — and it causes pain.
So how do you see your setbacks? Do you see them as a huge problem with disappointment and anger or as a setup?
We all must learn that things become setups to where we are today and the development of the person God wants us to be (Romans 5:1-5).
Everything (that happened in your past) is for right now. Romans 8:28 explains that God will turn all things to the good of those who love Him. Some things were brought on because of doing something outside God’s will, but the Holy Spirit can and does use everything for your good in Christ. The world and God needs each of us – especially at this hour. Like Joseph, it seemed like a setback time and again, but it’s a setup to get you right where you need to be to bring freedom and deliverance to others.
What’s your default reaction in tough times?
Is it to clench your fist and hold on to things, money, and people, or open up and give and invest?
What’s your default?
It’s about your heart and turning it all over to God.
It should be your honor to give in ALL to God and partner with others playing a part in the Kingdom. It’s an honor to give to grow a community. That’s participating in the furtherment of the Kingdom of God.
There are inevitable setbacks, we can’t ignore that Joseph went from a pit to slavery, to temptation, and more, but in the end, he rose to the palace as a setup.
There are going to be setbacks and issues here on earth. What’s more critical is how you respond. Turn the other cheek. You can, and you NEED TO.
This, too, will pass, but eternal life – that’s forever. The issue is how you respond to all of this. It’s in that journey that you learn a lot. Keep rising above the difficulty and shining. Just as the Lord told Joshua, he would be with him. He is with you.
Now is a good time to store up because pushback may happen, BUT GOD!!
He takes the prisoners and pit dwellers to a place for such a time as this. Allow God to do what He wants in your life. You are on a journey of His mission. Say YES and do it with all of your heart.
Stand firm in your faith – even when it turns on things of this world. It’s ok to stand firm for God. Your faith may set others free. Sometimes you have to walk through setbacks to be taken to a place where you can bless others. That’s a setup for God to take you to that next place.
Have your hands open when you get there, and be a blessing to others. Because honestly – you are just a steward of what God has placed in your hands anyhow (money, talents, skills, etc.).
In acts Chapter 8, Philip learned that it was a setup to take the Gospel worldwide. I’m sure he didn’t want to leave Jerusalem, but persecution forced him to head out, and revival broke out in the most unlikely place, Samaria, and to Africa, because he was obedient. Through those very moments, Jesus was revealed to many as a game-changer.
What are you walking through right now? Ask God to give you eyes to see the purpose. Your setbacks are a setup when you are in Christ!!
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