
Press Release

For Immediate Release, Altoona, PA

Center City Church Announces 4th Anniversary Celebration and Sanctuary Dedication to Mark Historic Church Renovation.

May 21st – 23rd set aside for celebrations and worship.

  • May 21st – 7 pm

Sanctuary Dedication

Featuring Pastor Jim Kilmartin and guest speaker Bishop Bart Pierce

  • May 23rd – 10 am

Sunday Service and 4th Anniversary Celebration

Special Speaker Pastor Charles Green 95 Year Old WW2 Vet

Open Photo

On September 24, 1905, the cornerstone was laid for the First Episcopal Methodist Church in Altoona, PA. On September 30, 1906, it was occupied, and on April 21, 1907, it was dedicated. One hundred fourteen years later, Center City Church is preparing for another sanctuary dedication. What started as a prophetic word for a pastor and his family to build a church in the center of Altoona has led to the backing and support of a community with ties to this historic Methodist church. 

“To say we are humbled is an understatement. Four years ago, we started this church as a small group of faithful people (to what we were being called to do). We had no idea where it would take us, but we knew where we were going. When we received multiple prophetic words about The Brownstone in downtown Altoona, the obstacles did seem impossible. From other potential buyers to the seller being unsure of the direction to lack of funding, we remained faithful. To be here this month, to be able to dedicate this sanctuary and to celebrate…it is overwhelming.” says Pastor Jim Kilmartin. His wife Jessica echoes the sentiment adding, “this church has seen many people led to the Lord, it’s been witness to countless salvations, healings, and celebrations; and it will once again. We look forward to the baptisms, marriages, dedications, and worship that will fill this building. We feel like we are home, and we want nothing more than to welcome you home, too.”

The weekend of May 21st – 23rd has been set aside for celebrating our anniversary and dedicating the sanctuary. Center City Church invites the community to join them whether you’ve been worshipping throughout the past four years or not – all are welcome. 

Bishop Bart Pierce will be kicking off the weekend with Pastor Jim Kilmartin with the Sanctuary Dedication Friday the 21st at 7 pm. Bishop Bart Pierce is a voice of wisdom, hope, encouragement, and vision. Bishop and his wife have a calling to express the reality of God’s Kingdom through compassion ministry. For over thirty years, it has been their heart to reach out to the lost and hurting, which they have done by pioneering the Ministries of Compassion (MOC). They are also passionate about seeing this generation realize their purpose and pursue their destiny in God.

On Saturday, a special by invitation leadership program will occur, followed on Sunday with an open invitation for the community to worship with Pastor Charles Green at 10 am. Dr. Charles Green is the author of numerous study books, including a foundational Catechism book, God’s Covenants, and The Revelation of God and His Word, published by Charisma Publications. Many churches around the world are using his Bible courses. 

Sunday evening will round out the weekend with a special celebration service and baptisms at 6 pm.

To find out more about these events, be part of the renovation fundraising, or inquire about our ministry, please contact

About Center City Church:

Center City Church is a non-denominational Christian church. We believe in the inerrancy of the Word of God. We believe in one God. We believe in Jesus Christ. We believe in the Holy Spirit. We believe in the gift of redemption and salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus. We believe that the church is a community that extends beyond our walls and is meant to minister to all. 

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