
Alive Through The Spirit

One of the most common questions about faith is how do you know that God is real and present today? Of course, the standard answer includes read the bible. While the bible IS the basis of our Christian faith and the word of God is the path to developing a relationship with Christ, it’s also important to introduce those who are learning to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a person that we can feel, really feel in our daily lives. He is with us, and when we are with Him – we are indeed alive in Christ.

So how do you feel The Holy Spirit?

This differs per person, and even per day. Many Christians feel the Holy Spirit moving in their lives when they are rooted in worship, prayer, or reading the bible. Many will feel the Spirit move with them during critical divine interactions or appointments – when they are making a positive difference in the life of someone else. That is because they are making that difference through the Holy Spirit acting in and with them. But always the reaction is physical. The physical response to the Holy Spirit comes in the form of tears, chills, laughter, and deep peace. It comes in the form of power – the power to perform miracles in the lives of others. These miracles may happen through love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. All are allowing us to go forth and make a difference daily. For it is true, if we act in this way, we will genuinely represent Jesus.

For many, the first time they experience the Holy Spirit can be a powerful physical reaction that will never be forgotten – bringing them to their knees or even to the floor. Yes, the Holy Spirit is alive and with us. As one of the three persons in God, a life focused on a relationship with The Holy Spirit can be changed forever. The Holy Spirit was promised to us by Christ after his resurrection. This promise is as good today as it was then. We just need to build the relationship, like we would with any other person. As Christian, we are to seek this relationship, to walk with the Holy Spirit.

As we learn in Acts 1:8:

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

As Christians, Jesus wants us to receive this supernatural power. To walk with The Holy Spirit and to perform everyday miracles. It is only in lack of faith that we are stuck in sickness, depression, anxiety, and fear. We each have the right to a personal relationship with God. And it’s through the Holy Spirit that we have the physical connection we desire.

But, like any relationship, we need to work on it. When you think about friendship –you have the most meaningful bonds with the people whose relationships you nurture. When they send you an email or a text – you read it, and you respond. Well, God sent us a letter – in the form of the bible. The biblical books have internal qualities that demonstrate that they are indeed from God. Reading this love letter from God is the most powerful way to strengthen your relationship with all three persons of God. It is the best way to develop your relationship with The Holy Spirit. And when two or three are gathered to do the same – the experience intensifies. This is not something that we should want to do only once per week. This is a daily habit that can be life-changing.

So open yourself up to the possibilities that the Holy Spirit is already with you. He is looking for a personal relationship, and he is physically present, just waiting to reach out and touch you.

Come alive through the Spirit.

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